nvctr - The n-vector Approach to Geographical Position Calculations using an Ellipsoidal Model of Earth
The n-vector framework uses the normal vector to the Earth ellipsoid (called n-vector) as a non-singular position representation that turns out to be very convenient for practical position calculations. The n-vector is simple to use and gives exact answers for all global positions, and all distances, for both ellipsoidal and spherical Earth models. This package is a translation of the 'Matlab' library from FFI, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, as described in Gade (2010) <doi:10.1017/S0373463309990415>.
Last updated 11 months ago
5.19 score 10 stars 31 scripts 173 downloadsHexAeroR - A package to determine used airports, runways, taxiways and stands based on available flight coordinates.
HexAeroR is a EUROCONTROL R package designed for aviation professionals and data analysts. It allows for the determination of used airports, runways, taxiways, and stands based on available (ADS-B) flight trajectory coordinates. This tool aims to enhance aviation data analysis, facilitating the extraction of milestones for performance analysis.
Last updated 1 years ago
2.00 score 2 scripts